Product features in all our gimbals

We can design the gimbal to fit your specific purpose. Choose your cameras and
sensors and we will do the customised integration in shortest delivery times.

Video Tracker
The video tracker will automatically hold the cameras locked on the chosen target
in the image. Hence a moving object on the ground will remain locked onto the
centre of the video at all times.

Geo Features
The Geo-Location feature will output the GPS position of the viewed object centred
in the video image. The additional Geo-Tracking option is capable of locking the lineof-sight of the gimbal onto a GPS geographical position on the ground.

Digital stabilisation with frame correction, removes the high frequency jitter often
found in narrow field-of-view images. This significantly reduces the operator
workload and allows to concentrate on the mission objective

Exportable (non-ITAR)
All our products are fully designed and manufactured in Europe and have
maximum exportability worldwide, hence non-ITAR.

The OTUS-U gimbals have best available price vs. performance ratio and shortest
delivery times worldwide. The stabilisation performance in our micro gimbals is
world leading.
Gimbal characteristics

The OTUS-U line of gyro stabilised sensor heads is designed to offer class-leading
performance to weight ratio. Even the heaviest product in the OTUS-U family, i.e.
the OTUS-U250, is 40-50% lighter than the competition with similar performance.
Still, the different OTUS-U models come at different weight due to physical reasons.
A mark on the far right of the scale next to the symbol represents the lightest
member of the OTUS-U family and is best suited for the smallest carriers.

Vibration Tolerance
All OTUS-U gimbals are designed and extensively tested to provide class-leading
performance and service life in the most demanding high-vibration environments.
Due to physical limitations the different OTUS-U models still differ slightly in their
capabilities to manage vibrations as classified by the symbol. A mark on the far right
of the scale next to the symbol represents maximum vibration tolerance

All-Weather Service
Due to physical limitations, the different OTUS-U models offer different
environmental sealing. Their capabilities to manage weather, as classified by the
symbol, varies. A mark on the far right of the scale next to the symbol represents
maximum weather tolerance.

Speed Tolerance
The various OTUS-U gimbals offer different capability to manage high carrier
velocities. A mark on the far right of the scale next to the symbol represents
maximum speed tolerance.